Monday, August 3, 2009


Ryan O'Neil admitted to hitting on his daughter, Tatum O'Neil during Farrah's funeral. Do they mean ACTUAL hitting? Because as horrible as that is its better than HITTING ON YOUR DAUGHTER. Funeral or not!!! Whats wrong with him?

Here's a quote I found on Mercury News:

Recalling Fawcett's funeral, O'Neal says, "I had just put the casket in the hearse and I was watching it drive away when a beautiful blonde woman comes up and embraces me. I said to her, 'You have a drink on you? You have a car?' She said, 'Daddy, it's me — Tatum!' I was just trying to be funny with a strange Swedish woman, and it's my daughter. It's so sick."

#1. Most funeral that are ending a long bettle with a devastating illness... you dont try to be funny with a strange woman!

#2. Sympathy fuck, and you were trying to get it, you dirt bag.

Othernews, Jon and Kate plus eight went back on the air. Which make me want to vomit.
Also, MJ's mom got custody. Are you shocked?

oh.. and brittney's a blonde.

One leasson I may have learned this week: Lindsay Lohan may be the most annoying twitterer in the world. Shes talking all about starving and lost children and 'using her voice to help'. Trust me Lindsey, unless your supporting a village yourself they'll likely be better off with out you. If you get involved people will want to stay away from those kids and your emotionally needy ass.

Monday, July 13, 2009

oooh.. More than JUST the Jacksons...

According to msnbc Joe Jackson is going to try to take MJ's three kids on tour in 2010 as the Jackson Three. Seriously. Ok There's also saying that Debbie Rowe is going to settle with the family as long as the guarantee that Joe Jackson has nothing to do with them. Never thought I'd say this, but good job weirdo.

Also, Jessica Simpson was dumped the day before her 29th birthday. Nobody deserves that Tony Romo, you douche bag!

Maura Tierney is on a show for ABC called Motherhood and the whole thing was pushed back because of a health issue. ABC issues some weird vague release about it that made everyone think she had sars or something. No, she has to get a tumor removed and there's no word if its cancer or not until that happens.

Vanessa Hudgens is playing a hooker in her next role! She'll be almost naked and swearing like a sailor. I'm sure Disney will NOT be thrilled with this.

Other news: A-rod and Kate Hudson went on a date and most of us just wondered why she can't be as awesome as her mother.

Brad and Angie's twins turned one and no one really cared. I think they forgot about them. There's still pics of Zahara and Shiloh all over regularly but none of the new twins. after the fourth I guess its not worth it anymore.

Wow. Kinda of a lot going on finally.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

I KNEW LaToya would be the firs toen to spill it! Man do I loooove the daily mirror!!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

So on Good Morning America on Friday, Joe Jackson started talking about how Michael's kids are born performers. All I can say to this is; GOOD GOD, MAN! Your son is barely in the grave and worked super hard to keep his kids out of the spotlight! You're a crazy person! You've already fucked up his life, don't go near his damn kids. Ugh. *shiver* ewe and gross. yuck.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th o July!

Happy Independence Day! Sarah Palin might be indicted for embezzlement! It's a sunshine day my friends! I know I'll be celebrating!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Wow. It's been a hell of a week! I got to Adios Ed McMahon and then I lost power. I heard Farrah Fawcett finally died but didn't get to really pay attention to coverage because a giant huge horrible thunderstorm hit my house just as it was announced Michael Jackson died. It was very Wizard of Oz-ish. Or... The Wiz-ish? Hmm. Anyways, let's not forget Willy Mays too! Then out to dinner Sunday night I got a twitter from the Brittney Spears camp saying she died. The girl next to me almost completely had a break down. "It's too much! It's too much!" (Brittney is fine, her account was hacked. I was really surprised by the passionate response by the visitor from NYC)
So let's recap, I think its a good thing Farrah died. She was sick as hell for a super long time. It's a good thing that suffering ended. And she got to get away from Ryan O'neil who seems super sketchy. I was so pissed when he came out and said they were going to get married (announced just days before she died) Way to milk that press fucker. Too little too late. Why not do that when she GOT sick years ago? Whatever, it just seemed weird and slimey to me. Gross.

Now about MJ. Wow. What a shocker! I mean I think it stands to say that he's shown symptoms of being sick, mostly mentally but some physically as well. The mental part is what gets me because that's been coming through for years and no one ever seemed to have tried to force him to get help because trust me, they could have done it legally I think. (Except apparently for Lisa Marie.) So I feel sad for him that he was so sick, mentally, and was just allowed to go on that way. What a completely miserable existence he must have had. I read an article at with someone remarking that every since the Pepsi commercial when his head caught on fire, he was never the same. Totally True. Apparently that's when he got hooked to pain killers.
And good lord someone keep Joe Jackson away from those kids. Otherwise we'll have the Jackson trio out in no time. How creepily non affected was he in his interview with CNN? *shiver* Janet was fantastic at the BET awards though. The kids are living with Katerine and Joe does not live there, btw. Thankfully.

CNN just twittered that Michael Jackson's body is being moved to Neverland Ranch for a public viewing. THAT is going to be huge. Can't wait to see the coverage. Also, they literally twittered two seconds ago that a will from 2002 was just located. We'll have lots of drama today.

There was a scam going around that one of the kids came forward from the molestation case and said they lied. It's proven to be most likely false. However, if they were lying for money (good odds) I hope they feel horrible and MJackson haunts them every day for the rest of their lives.

There were ALOT of celebrities responding to his death. My favorite was Lisa Marie's blog over on Myspace. (Definitely check it out) Dame Elizabeth's tweets were quite moving to that poor woman. And my least favorite was Corey Feldman's. What a fucking douche bag. Nice three paragraph plug you fucking idiot. (My favorite response was when I sent it to a friend who loved it so much she wanted to have it tattooed on her back. Haha just as a testament to his douchebagginess.)

I do want to say though that ET posted a picture of MJ in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. So, basically of him dead. That's gross and tacky ET, coming from me who adores celebrity gossip. Tacky, classless and gross. The man has children. (oooh though the mama did come out and say they totally weren't his - sperm donor - but they are legally)

Speaking of the kids, the oldest was apparently standing next to MJ when he collapsed and seen everything that went on with all the CPR and everything. That'll leave a mark. Having MJ as a dad to begin with will leave a mark and then that on top of it. ugh. Guess we'll find out in about six years when he turns 18. I wonder which kid is going to write the first book.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Adios, Ed McMahon. I've held much bitterness towards you for never serving *ME* with the publishing clearance house sweepstakes giant check, but will now let it go. You too Dick Clark. Assuming you're still alive...

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Kate and eight minus dad.

So here's what I have to say on Jon and Kate plus eight. TLC should be ashamed of itself for continuing to air this show that destroyed a family and put it out there for all the world to see. Thats what those kids are going to grow up and watch, their family falling apart. That being said; I'm happy that Jon is getting away from that bitchy ass money honey fame seeking attention whore. Kate has made that show unbearable to watch. Jon has said, even on the show, that he didnt so much want to do the show anymore. Kate laughed at him, basically. She has belittled him and undermined him on every episode of that show for years. No wonder he *may* have cheated. Way to choose a show over your family Kate, you god damn cunt. (Sorry. I despise her) I hope this show is canceled. for the sake of the kids. Its disgusting. Kate Goselin destroyed her family making that circus of a show her number one priority. I will watch Monday just so I can hear their divorcing. Jon's out, now let's have a show called jon goes after eight. I doubt hed go for custody but we can only hope. I hope that woman is left with nothing.

Friday, June 19, 2009


Well rumor has it Johnny Depp and Marion Cotillard might be hookin up! Apparently there was a party for their movie and the two were off in the corner drinking wine speaking and french. Vanessa didn't visit Johnny also, during the entire filming of that movie. Now I don't think this is true, I just dont see johnny doing that to his kids (because you know we're super fly tight) and Marion is dating the guy she started in "Love me if you dare" so if you've seen that movie, you totally want them together forever. I guess we'll see! The artiscle I read, my very favorite part, said that after Johnny 'stumbled to his car drunkenly, he refused his bodyguards help' I love that man. Also, even though they both arrived in seperate cars, they left together. In his.

Josh is single?!?

So, if you were a fan of West Wing, like me, then you probably loved Josh. Like Me. Well, Bradley Whitford and his wife (Jane Kaczmarek) are no longer.
Other than that, nothing to say.

Hollywood has been a really boring place lately. I long for the days of the brittneython on cnn. Lindsey becoming a lesbian. But nothing.


This is what she spilled to People....

"Chaz is embarking on a difficult journey, but one that I will support. I respect the courage it takes to go through this transition in the glare of public scrutiny, and although I may not understand, I will strive to be understanding ... The one thing that will never change is my abiding love for my child."

hmmmm.... its sweet, respectful and just a little "Wtf chaz?? Seriously?" awe... cher'll be as good a mom as she can be i'm sure. I mean its CHER so who knows what that entails.

Daisy of delusion

Somehow... I missed this.
Daisy De La Hoya (who makes me feel like it is somehow possible to catch std's from my television...) was taken to the ER last month after she started freaking out and screaming in tongues and destroying someones house in the hollywood hills. My favorite part? They said it was delusions brought on by exhaustion. Now I totally think exhaustion is just a code word for coke, but this time, maybe something better! That girl is crazy and the 911 call, which was released today, is over on Hahaha he calls in a request for an exorcism! "She's a very very good friend of mine" "Is she mentaly ill?" "Uhhh... I don't know." hahahaha. Yes, she is dear daisy's friend. Yes, she is. You don't walk away from the slutbag house of the century with out a little crazy on you.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Duggars, Grandbaby #1

There are few things in the world that I am more morbidly attached to than the Duggars. (Only the Amish beat them.) Late Last year the oldest boy married some girl. (Their first kiss was at the wedding altar... weird right?) It was announced not long ago that he got his poor little wife in the family way. Grand baby Number One on the way! (girl, no announcement if the name will start with J) Those Duggar's are going to start breeding like those little fuzzy things on star trek once more of those kids start marrying off. We'll be surrounded cuz Arkansas won't be able to hold them all. The overflow will start leaking out. However all the residents will start having that children of the corn look....

So here's the deal on birth control and that family: Mama Duggar DID at one point go on the pill!!! Bill and Michelle met just after her religious transformation when Jim had to do follow up visits with her. (cult, much?) They actually wanted to wait to have kids! However she got knocked up ever, and went to some weird christian doctor somewhere and were told that they miscarried because of being on the pill. (true, not true, no matter really.) Because of that and because they were staunch prolifers they realized they murdered their baby. (Seriously? Yes, seriously) So after that to atone to Jesus for their sin they decided to let Jesus decide how many and how often theyd have their children.

Apparently theirs is a bitter god.


Here is a genius quote by Tila Tequila:

“I just felt the need to clear up the rumors for all of my fans because I care about you and want you to know the truth,” she blogs. “The point is…maybe I was pregnant or maybe I wasn’t pregnant. I think that is something very personal but I’m going to clear that up now and say that I am not currently pregnant.”


I mean other than obviously desperate for attention. That statement is, in and of itself a HUGE insult to her fans. She doesn't care about them and obviously does NOT want them to know the truth because its no where in that statement.

Thank god shes not pregnant. We don't need any little TT's around. Well.. maybe they'll be born with the antibodies for every STD known for man since being exposed to all of them in the womb and we can be done with VDs once and for all!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Congrats to Chaz Bono on her decision to switch genders! The girlfriend is cute too. However, the only thing I'm concerned with is what CHER has to say! Apparently she's known for a year!!! Apparently sources say Mama Cher is supportive. But would sources ever say she was outraged? I'm sure she's not given her reputation with the lgbt community but still... I need more, Cher!

The first post is going to be about Miley Cirus? Really?

I once had horrible horrible sex with a guy and after he wanted me to watch this 'really good video' with 'a big array of emotion'. It was a fucking Miley Cirus video. To say I ran and never looked back is an understatement. I was going to high tail it out of there afterwards based on the sex; however I flew out of there like I was wearing a rocket pack. So, I'm a little annoyed by Miley now. But now, someone out there is suing her over the offensive picture where she was pulling her eyes into slits with her Asian peeps. (bad taste, yes. court worthy? hmmm) Anyways, not only is she suing Miley shes suing Mileys 20 year old ex boyfriend. Her point being that since he was an adult he should have known better.
But really people if he had known better would he be screwing MILEY CIRUS to begin with?? Trust me that boy was just along for the free ride. Who can blame him? But I am positive that what Miley said went. Poor boy, he got dumped AND possibly involved in nasty litigation. Were the Sloppy seconds from one of the Jonas brothers really worth it?