Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Duggars, Grandbaby #1

There are few things in the world that I am more morbidly attached to than the Duggars. (Only the Amish beat them.) Late Last year the oldest boy married some girl. (Their first kiss was at the wedding altar... weird right?) It was announced not long ago that he got his poor little wife in the family way. Grand baby Number One on the way! (girl, no announcement if the name will start with J) Those Duggar's are going to start breeding like those little fuzzy things on star trek once more of those kids start marrying off. We'll be surrounded cuz Arkansas won't be able to hold them all. The overflow will start leaking out. However all the residents will start having that children of the corn look....

So here's the deal on birth control and that family: Mama Duggar DID at one point go on the pill!!! Bill and Michelle met just after her religious transformation when Jim had to do follow up visits with her. (cult, much?) They actually wanted to wait to have kids! However she got knocked up ever, and went to some weird christian doctor somewhere and were told that they miscarried because of being on the pill. (true, not true, no matter really.) Because of that and because they were staunch prolifers they realized they murdered their baby. (Seriously? Yes, seriously) So after that to atone to Jesus for their sin they decided to let Jesus decide how many and how often theyd have their children.

Apparently theirs is a bitter god.

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